The Opera Theatre of the Municipal Casino Sanremo
October 2024 – (the exact dates will be communicated later)
The Kismet Organisation, which is known internationally for GEF – The World Festival of Creativity in schools ( and for “sanremoJunior” the competition for singers aged between 6 and 15, is running the 8 th edition of “sanremoSenior”, for singers and singers-songwriters over 34. The venue of the Final Stages 2024 will be the Opera Theatre of the Municipal Casino of Sanremo on October 2024.
Art. 1
Who can participate in the competition
All our artistic and cultural events are messengers of peace, love and friendship. Participants, regardless of ethnicity, skin colour, religion and nationality, will be able to participate in the sanremoSenior competition without discrimination, in a spirit of mutual respect with the other participants.
Ages permitted to register
Only soloist singers, both Italian and non-Italian over the age of 34 can register in the competition. The admission criteria will be based on the age of the candidates between the first of January and the thirty-first of December 2024, regardless of the date of the competition.
Those who won first prize in any category or section in previous editions, will not be admitted.
Art. 2
The competition consists of 2 categories, each divided into 2 sections, as seen below:
– SI Category Section 1: Singers (known or new music tracks) aged between 34 and 59 years
– SI Category Section 2: Singers (known or new music tracks) aged 60+
– SC Category Section 1: Singers-songwriters (authors of the words and music) aged between 34 and 59
– SC Category Section 2: Singers-songwriters (authors of the words and music) aged 60+
All music genres are permitted apart from Opera.
Art. 3
Text and duration
For the selection, all competitors must present one music tracks for the maximum duration of 3’30 minutes. The music track cannot be changed, once a contestant is admitted to the following stages.
No voice is allowed on the music bases (harmonizing, doubling of voices or choirs), should that happen, the competitor will be excluded from the competition.
The proposed music tracks can be in Italian, in languages other than Italian, or in a dialect. Competitors who choose a language other than Italian, or English, will need to provide the translation in Italian, or in English.
Art. 4
The Steps
Step 1
FREE On-Line Selections for all competitors
By 10 August 2024, participants must complete the Registration Form and upload the piece they intend to present on the website
The uploaded music tracks can be both video or audio files and will be examined by the Selection committee of sanremoSenior, who will choose which competitors will be admitted to the “Final Stages” in Sanremo. FORMAT: mp3 – mp4 – wave.
Registration to On-line selections is free of charge.
The Selection Commission of sanremoSenior, will decide who will be admitted to the Final Stages, and the decisions of the Commission are final. No explanation for the Commission’s choices will be given to either admitted or not admitted competitors.
The information for the Final Stages of Sanremo will be sent only to the participants selected. We won’t send any communication to the participants not admitted.
Step 2
The competitors who will be admitted to the final stages, taking place in Sanremo, will be sent the following via e-mail by the 20th of August 2024:
Step 3
The payment of registration fee for the Final Stages, within 26 August 2024, , by the selected competitor.
The registration fee for the Final Stages is € 280,00 per person net (the participant needs to cover any wire transfer fee and currency exchange fee)
It includes:
In case of cancellation from the participant, the registration fee (€ 280,00) will NOT be refunded.
Step 4
Selected competitors to the Finals must send the following, exclusively via email– by the 26th August 2024 (having completed all the requested forms):
The organization will not be responsible for any misunderstandings or communication delays in any phase of the competition
Step 5
By 31th August, 2024 the competitors selected for the Final Stages must send by e-mail the following to
The completed and signed Hotel Booking Form, with confirmation of payment for the total amount covering the competitor’s hotel accommodation.
Step 6
All those competitors who will have forwarded the required documentation, and made all the required payments, will receive by e-mail, within 10 days prior to the event, the latest official and final information kit, including the schedule of events and the name of the assigned hotel.
Those who non will not give confirmation within the set dates or those who will not make the necessary payments within the set dates, will be automatically excluded from the Final Stages, without any refund and any recourse.
Art. 5
How to pay
The registration fees for the Final Stages and hotel accommodation in Sanremo must be paid as follows to:
UNICREDIT BANCA Agenzia di Sanremo
Beneficiario: KISMET s.r.l.
IBAN: IT 59 G 02008 49090 0000 10138260
What is this for: “Name and Surname of the participant” sanremoSenior 2024
No other form of payment will be accepted.
Art. 6
Final Stages in Sanremo
The venue of the Final Stages 2024 will be the Opera Theatre of the Municipal Casino of Sanremo in October 2024 (exact dates will be announced later).
Such stages could include the Semifinals and the World Finals or the International Final directly.
During the Final Stages the competitors will present their song live with a base, in front of both Jury and public audience.
The Jury may decide to admit a higher or lower number of competitors, either overall or for each section, and/or not admit any competitor in the classification, at any time of the Competition and for any Section – the Jury’s decision/s will be final.
The competitors performing in the Final Stages will not be permitted to use any type of video support during their performance.
All the competitors will be allowed to use a musical instrument, or to sing on a music base, or both. In this regard we point out that the Organization will not provide any musical instrument. The Organization will provide only the technical support for sound amplification.
No voice is allowed on the music bases (harmonizing, doubling of voices or choirs), should that happen, the competitor will be excluded from the competition and will not be entitled to claim any reimbursement.
For the Final Stages, the Organization will provide professional audio and sound support and competitors will be sent earlier a technical form outlining all availabe materials.
It is possible to accompany yourself with a solo instrument or in addition to the musical base. This instrument must be brought and played by the competitor and be of limited size (guitar, strings, woodwinds, small percussions, etc.). Performances with excessively large or bulky instruments are not permitted (Piano, Keyboards, Drums or Large Percussions such as Timpani, Congas, etc.). The performance with an accompanying instrument will not determine any extra score in the Jury’s votes, which will only evaluate the components related to the vocal performance.
During the execution, choreography, special effects or the like are generally not foreseen, unless possibly agreed with the Organization (with its own unquestionable and final decision). Any choreographies will not determine any extra score in the votes of the Jury, which will evaluate only the components related to the vocal performance.
The Organization does not make any musical instrument available, but only the technical part necessary for its amplification with a professional audio/lighting system, providing participants with a technical data sheet of the material available which will be sent in time.
Art. 7
The Jury
A panel of expert Jurors – appointed by the “sanremoSenior” Committee – will select the competition winners. The evaluation criteria will be based on: intonation, vocal timbre, performing technique, breathing, expression, musicality, interpretation, text and stage presence. Their decisions are final. Both the President of the Jury and the panel members will not need to provide further explanations about the reasons of their judgement.
Art. 8
Main regulations
All competitors must present punctually on the days and locations set by the Organization: not compliance will involve expulsion from the competition without either recourse or reimbursement of fees. The lyrics used in the competition must not contain sentences which may offend single people and the common sense of propriety and/or the Government, the Institutions, the Church, and any Religion. No moves, costumes, and attitudes, which may offend the norms of good behaviour will be acceptable during performances. It is also obligatory for the contestants to behave during the entire competition according to the norms of civilized behaviour, of proper manners and respect towards people and material things.
Anyone not complying with such principles will be disqualified forthwith without recourse.
Art. 9
Hospitality package in Sanremo
The cost per person of the package includes:
– B&B (Bed and breakfast, no drinks or extras) in a 3stars-hotel; double or multiple bedrooms as requested and as availability permits.
– All the services listed above for the various stages of the competition:
– “sanremoSenior” Pass
– gadgets
– Free admission to the venue of the Final Stages of sanremoSenior 2024, the Opera Theatre of the Municipal Casino of Sanremo.
NOT included:
– Travel costs, independently paid by the competitors
– City tax, to be paid directly to the Hotel Reception.
– All other entitlements not specified in “The cost of the package includes”
For logistic and organizational reasons and as a form of control, all competitors, their chaperons, and all those who will stay in Sanremo during “sanremoSenior”, (not including the residents in the provinces of Imperia and Savona) and to gain accreditation and compete, must book through the organization, using exclusively the list of “Prices of accommodation in Sanremo”. These are available on the official site of sanremoSenior (
Art. 10
Prizes and Awards
“Grand Prix 2024” to the overall winner among all categories;
“Special Prize from the sanremoSenior Committee” to the singer chosen by sanremoSenior Committee
“Targa sanremoSenior” (plaque) to the first 3 classified competitors in each section of the 2 Categories
“Diploma di Merito” (Diploma of Merit) to the first 3 classified competitors in each section of the 2 Categories
“Diploma of Participation to the Finale Stages” to all the other admitted competitors
The winner of the “Grand Prix 2024” will have the possibility to perform his/her piece live on stage at the Ariston Theatre of Sanremo, during the Finals Stages of the 25th edition of GEF – The World Festival of Creativity in Schools ( planned for Spring 2024.
The Jury can, by its own decision, award prizes that are not listed, and its decisions will be final. The Organization can offer more prizes and gadgets provided by other sponsors.
Art. 11
Advertising the event
Kismet srl – the proprietor and organizer of “sanremoSenior” – is entitled to record and/or film and/or advertise the event – in its entirety, or in part – by any medium (in print, photography, radio, television, audiovisuals, internet, etc.) It can also use the event to publicize other initiatives aimed to promote or advertise, without owing anything to any of the competitors.
Art. 12
Programme Changes
If for technical/organizational reasons, or other reasons not caused by the Organization, the Final Stages in Sanremo were to undergo changes, they will be communicated to the competitors forthwith.
The sanremoSenior Organization reserves the right to use, by their choice, and in specific geographic areas, selection and registration criteria different from those advertised in these regulations.
Art. 13
Materials presented
All materials handed over to Kismet srl by the competitors will become the property of Kismet srl, to be used according to what the laws permit. They will not be returned. Kismet srl will be entitled to publish and/or present it elsewhere, before, during and after the event, to promote and publicize it, without owing anything to any of the competitors.
Art. 14
All printed matter and trade marks are protected by Copyright: therefore, their use and reproduction by any medium are not permitted. Any use, which is not expressly authorized will be punished by the Law.
Art. 15
The Organizing Committee, the Promoting Association and the Society for the technical Organization, are not liable for any kind of accident involving people or property, both during travelling time (roundtrip), and during the entire event.
Art. 16
Acceptation and Personal Data
I declare that I have read and understood the conditions set out in this regulation and accept them unconditionally.
All event participants must know the norms for the treatment of personal data pursuant to the UE Regulation No. 679/2016 (GDPR) and unconditionally accept them .
Art. 17
Legal Litigation
In case of Litigation occurring, it will be referred to the Court of Sanremo/Imperia.
International Competition for “over 34” solo singers and solo singer-songwriters
Kismet S.r.l. – Via Roma 128
18038 Sanremo – Italy